The Image
Photographers, 3D artists and producers, image is our craft and light, our passion.
Located at the heart of Plan-les-Ouates since 2019, we are Eastimage, Le Studio. More than a unique place, the Studio is a creative talent lab. Our expertise is dedicated to each of your projects. Let’s work together to transform them into creative proofs.
Artists, photographers, 3D digital artists, graphic designers…
Eastimage: a team of experts with unique personalities. We never stop tailoring our support to your corporate culture and environment.

Executive production
More than:
/ 25 years of expertise
/ 70,000 hours of project management
With a passion for:
/ Art
/ Image
/ Production

/ Beaux arts
/ Digital
The freedom to:
/ Experiment
/ Transform
/ Reveal through light & movement

/ The arts
/ An aesthetic approach
/ Typography
/ in creation
/ in the unexpected
/ in the speed of execution

Digital 3D
/ AR | VR
/ Gaming
/ Film & image
Satisfaction in:
/ Perfection
/ Creating from scratch
/ Revealing beauty

Eastimage le studio
/ Asset production
/ Print / digital press advertising
/ Graphic design
/ adaptation / iteration
/ Layouts
/ Retouches

Our Technology
/ 8k video
/ 6 axe motion control
/ Slow motion
/ Phase one
Artists, photographers, 3D digital artists, graphic designers…
Eastimage: a team of experts with unique personalities. We never stop tailoring our support to your corporate culture and environment.

Executive production
More than:
/ 25 years of expertise
/ 70,000 hours of project management
With a passion for:
/ Art
/ Image
/ Production

Executive production
More than 25 years of expertise and 70,000 hours of project management
With a passion for art, image and production

/ Beaux arts
/ Digital
The freedom to:
/ Experiment
/ Transform
/ Reveal through light & movement

Beaux arts, digital
The freedom to experiment, transform and reveal through light & movement

/ The arts
/ An aesthetic approach
/ Typography
/ In creation
/ In the unexpected
/ In the speed of execution

The arts, an aesthetic approach, typography
Precision in creation, in the unexpected and in the speed of execution

Digital 3D
/ AR | VR
/ Gaming
/ Film & image
Satisfaction in:
/ Perfection
/ Creating from scratch
/ Revealing beauty

Digital 3D
AR | VR, gaming, film & image
Satisfaction in perfection, creating from scratch and revealing beauty

Eastimage le studio
/ Asset production
/ Print / digital press advertising
/ Graphic design
/ adaptation / iteration
/ Layouts
/ Retouches

Eastimage le studio
Asset production, print / digital press advertising, graphic design, adaptation / iteration, layouts, retouches

Our Technology
/ 8k video
/ 6 axe motion control
/ Slow motion
/ Phase one

Our Technology
8k video, 6 axe motion control, slow motion, phase one
Let’s meet
Eastimage Le Studio
Chemin du Tourbillon, 6 – 1228 Plan-les-Ouates – Switzerland
Eastimage Le Studio is part of GEGM, an international group specialized in global communication campaign management and production.
With areas of expertise that complement one another, its production subsidiaries have been supporting brands for more than 30 years in the US, Europe and Asia.
15, rue Madeleine Michelis
92 200 Neuilly-sur-Seine
+33 (0)1 46 43 19 30
40, rue Antoine Ré
13 010 Marseille
+33 (0)9 72 27 40 40
New York
20W 22th Street – Suite 1412
10010 New York
+1 646 490 62 00
4/F ShenBao Bldg – Office 412, 309 HanKou Road
HuangPu Shanghai District 200001
+86 186 2191 5005